Posts Tagged ‘tech’
Carolyn Chen on how work became Silicon Valley’s religion
Carolyn Chen, a sociologist and professor of ethnic studies at UC Berkeley, argues in her new book “” that Silicon Valley has become a “techtopia” where workplaces and charismatic leaders now provide for employees’ every need. The workplace has…
Read MoreBradley Tusk on California’s corporate exodus
Bradley Tusk, bicoastal venture capitalist and political strategist, talks about the political and economic reasons why companies are leaving California. While individuals may be leaving our cities for greener pastures or wide-open spaces, the…
Read MoreCasey Newton on tech platforms as the new town square
Casey Newton, a long-time Bay Area-based tech journalist, and the author of the Platformer newsletter looks at our social media platforms and how they have become the foundation of political speech. He discusses the role they should play in our…
Read MoreAndrew Yang: If you think tech is under siege now, just wait
California and Silicon Valley may have created much of today’s America. But according to tech entrepreneur and presidential candidate Andrew Yang, the impacts are only just beginning. While we worry about Facebook and social media, we’re…
Read MoreNoam Cohen on how Silicon Valley undermines an authentic life
Author and journalist Noam Cohen dares to ask if we really signed up for all the technological change we now take for granted. Did we really need instant delivery of everything, ride-hailing on a whim, the commercialization of residential…
Read MoreRichard Walker on the crises and contradictions of Silicon Valley
Richard Walker, professor emeritus of geography at U.C. Berkeley, is a student of the renown Marxist geographer David Harvey. Walker brings an approach to his analysis that includes, economics, urban design, politics, and the environment, as well as…
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