Robin Williams in “Mrs. Doubtfire.” In the 1993 film, his character dresses up as a female housekeeper to be able to spend time with his children. 20th Century Fox

The time Robin Williams tried to buy a dildo

While filming “Mrs. Doubtfire” in the early 1990s, Robin Williams would walk around San Francisco in full makeup and costume. On one occasion, according to his telling, he walked into a sex shop and tried to buy a double-headed dildo.

“Just because,” he explained in an online Q&A. “Why not? And the guy was about to sell it to me until he realized it was me — Robin Williams — not an older Scottish woman coming in to look for a very large dildo and a jar of lube. He just laughed and said ‘what are you doing here’ and I left. Did I make the purchase? No. Did I walk away with a really good story? Yes.”


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